P.S. Just wanted to take a moment to pat MYSELF on the pack for creating my 10th BLOG POST! Sometimes I really don’t feel like doing these but I always feel so proud of myself after, more relaxed from getting all my thoughts out, and relieved in the future for always having content ideas ready to go!! Best new year's resolution EVER! Thank you for all the support if you’re reading these!
The 30 Day Digital Detox is for overwhelmed and burnt out digital creators or solopreneurs that feel like they need to get their SHIT TOGETHER.
The challenge comprises 30 simple tasks within the digital landscape of your business, social media, or education journey to clean things up so you can be more productive and make the hustle process a little easier, maybe even more enjoyable!
This is a challenge I created for myself in January 2021, and between my job, my business, my content, my school, and everything…. I needed to just detox and do some declutter work in my life.
I was overwhelmed by everything that I needed to organize resulting in multiple nights of NO SLEEP. I literally just decided one day to sit down and list everything that I needed to organize, and just split it into a month's worth of tasks to do.
I started following this since the beginning of December and feel so organized and feel like I have my life together 80% of the time. I even STILL DO this challenge every 2 business quarters to check in and update everything.
Together we can have our GLOWup, become THAT girl/person, and RE-invent ourselves to be at our uttermost potential. I highly recommend you try it and let me know how you liked it!
BONUS: Head to IG or TikTok and post on your story tagging me to show everyone your self improvement journey and so we can grow our community!
TASK: Clean your office/workspace. You’re going to need it tidy while you’ll be glued to your device!
TASK: Organize your apps. Delete any you don’t use and make folders and find your ideal layout for your phone.
TASK: Organize your music library! Artists, playlists, podcasts, albums, songs, and even the people you follow! If you can’t remember the chorus of a song, it’s gotta go!
TASK: Go through your camera roll. Don’t forget the hidden photos or albums!
TASK: Go through your internet browser. Clear all tabs + plus your history + bookmarked websites.
TASK: Clear FaceTime, message, and call logs. Takes less than 30 seconds.
TASK: Delete large message attachments. Let go of those drunk voice recordings.
TASK: Update all your apps. This is a no-brainer.
TASK: Clean out your email. Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail (is that still a thing?).
DAY 10
TASK: Now we’re in the social media portion of this challenge. It’s gonna be tedious so hang in there. Head to Twitter and clean out some tweets, DMs, update your profile + bio, and all your followers/following.
DAY 11
TASK: Now we’re in the social media portion of this challenge. It’s gonna be tedious so hang in there. Head to Instagram and clean out some posts, DMs, update your profile + bio, and all your followers/following. Don’t forget Reels, IGTV, Guides, Highlights, and more.
DAY 12
TASK: Now we’re in the social media portion of this challenge. It’s gonna be tedious so hang in there. Head to Snapchat and clean out some people/memories, DMs, and update your profile + bio.
DAY 13
TASK: Now we’re in the social media portion of this challenge. It’s gonna be tedious so hang in there. Head to Pinterest and clean out your boards, followers, DMs, and update your profile + bio.
DAY 14
TASK: Now we’re in the social media portion of this challenge. It’s gonna be tedious so hang in there. Head to Facebook and clean out your albums, friends, groups/pages, and update your profile + bio.
DAY 15
TASK: Now we’re in the social media portion of this challenge. It’s gonna be tedious so hang in there. Head to Whatsapp and Messenger. Clean out your groups, friends, and update your
profile + bio.
DAY 16
TASK: Now we’re in the social media portion of this challenge. It’s gonna be tedious so hang in there. Head to Youtube. Clean out your playlists, subscribed channels, your videos, and update your profile + bio.
DAY 17
TASK: Now we’re in the social media portion of this challenge. It’s gonna be tedious so hang in there. Head to LinkedIn. Update your profile + bio. Make some coffee because this one takes the longest.
DAY 18
TASK: Clean/Update/Make your website. It can be very simple!
DAY 19
TASK: Clean/Update/Make your landing page. I recommend beacons.ai.
DAY 20
TASK: Clean out your contacts. Get rid of that random person you talked to 5 years ago.
DAY 21
TASK: Create or update your media/press kit. Everyone needs one! There’s so many easy templates on Canva!
DAY 22
TASK: Go through my notes and delete any duplicates or no longer needed ones.
DAY 23
TASK: Change out your current lockscreen/homescreen/desktop wallpaper with something new! I love to do seasonal backgrounds.
DAY 24
TASK: Clear any apps like unfold, UNUM, HUJI, or tezza that have your photos edited or posted already, it takes a lot of unnecessary space.
DAY 25
TASK: Organize your Google docs, drive, and sheets into colour coded folders. The results are so satisfying.
DAY 26
TASK: Organize and clean out any other devices such as iPads, Apple Watches, etc.
DAY 27
TASK: Clear your reminders either in the reminder app or your own apps that you use to keep up with tasks. Don’t forget to organize your alarms as well.
DAY 28
TASK: It’s time to sort through all the files you have on your laptop!! Take your time.
DAY 29
TASK: Clean your devices PHYSICALLY. Get those wipes and start polishing! Compressed air for the keyboards! Y’all should be doing this regularly for COVID germs!
CONGRATULATIONS on completing your final task! I’m so proud of us! Here is your last task:
TASK: Create a digital routine! How are you going to upkeep these tasks? How can you spread yourself across platforms w/o burnout? Take the time to formulate a routine that works for you and your daily life! Then RELAX.
And that’s it!! Let me know if you try this challenge and if you were successful! I know you can do it.
Connect with me on social media here if you want to talk more! DMs are always open !
It’s time to start working SMARTER📚 not HARDER🙇🏻♂️. Book a *FREE* Content Conjure 🔮 call today, and let’s chat by filling out my typeform!
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