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As much as everyone wants to dive deep into the summer season, we still have to get through several obligations before we can feel the heat. As you're reading this we ALL know you got shit to do. And whether it's graduation, exams, getting that summer body, work, planning vacations, blah, blah, blah.... we ALL know you haven't done it or you can't even fathom where to start. Or maybe you just want to be at your full potential starting now. Either way, here is a range of options to get your ass to be productive or be the envy of your peers. It's time to turn off the Friends on Netflix.

Declutter. Everything.

The first step to improving anything in your life will always be organizing your areas of retreat. If you come home everyday to a pile of garbage are you really going to be motivated to do whatever shit you need to do in there? I think not. Trust me, I've been in your position. It will be irritating to sacrifice time for this but taking the time to clean up has its benefits. You can come home to a clean room to roll your ass over to nap and you won't be running around trying to find matching socks when you needed to leave the house 30 minutes ago. That could just be my hot mess of a life but anyways. Whatever work space you function in, make sure it's comfortable, practical, and clean. You don't need to replicate a Youtuber's D.I.Y. office with custom IKEA furniture and hanging crystals ain't nobody got time for that. Who has time to do that? I would suggest a fresh coat of white paint and small cactus to bring light and earth to your canvas of a mind. Other things to clear out can be making some side cash by selling clothes you don't need anymore, knick knacks collecting dust, and old papers you've been meaning to sort through. The sooner you tackle these, the more weight coming off your shoulders to focus on priorities.

It's also good to purge on things we use! Change your background for a fresh start and declutter your apps. Clear all pesky notifications and your camera roll to find things easier. You can even take it further and rearrange your apps by colour like my extra ass. I find it more visually appealing and conventional to know to find my notes or twitter app by quickly swiping to the big yellow and blue rows.

Revamp Yourself

Now that you've given your space a complete transformation it's time to work on yourself. I'm not going to go into detail about how to get your real shit together but get some PROPER sleep, hydrate like you're a Coachella, and live a healthy lifestyle that works for YOU.

Save Your Nose

Let's be real, the world smells revolting. Every classroom, store, or office could use one of those plug in air fresheners from Febreeze. Hello 911? I'd like to report a victim. My nostrils. If you're getting your shit together you gotta smell bomb while doing it. Studies have shown that certain scents for aromatherapy invigorate our senses of productivity and relax the mind. First you need to get your hippie on and invest in some sage incense. Your neighbors may see you as a crazy witch doctor that practices voodoo but you're doing yourself a favour by making your space smell nice and negative free. I'm superstitious like that. Next you need to buy some diffusers, essential oils, loose tea, and HELLA candles. If it don't look like you're running a cult you ain't got enough candles. Essential ingredients to look for include:



-Tea Tree Oil


-Orange Sandalwood


Create the Perfect Playlist

How are you gonna get your shit together without a soundtrack? I know I can't get through some chores or getting ready to go somewhere without badass bitch anthems blasting. I literally have a playlist going as I write this. It's called HAUS VOGUE, compiled of synth house, don't ask how I got the name. Spend however much time you need to create an upbeat empowering anthems to get you through the day. Even for your two minute shower, you must compile the flawless flow of beats. You're gonna need Rihanna, Nicki, Kendrick, and Destiny's Child on heavy rotation. And we CANNOT forget Khia's "My Neck, My Back".

Make A Game Plan

Now that you are mentally and physically prepared to get you shit together it's time to lay out all your thoughts, tasks, and dreams all on the table of life. Take what's priority and separate it from things that will happen in the long run. Set your goals day by day for what you NEED and WANT to accomplish. Know the difference. Make a bullet journal, calendar, or notes on your phone on how you're going to do whatever you gotta do. Now it is up to you to EXECUTE it. The things I layed out for you are to make sure you stay organized and fall back on them to motivate you to get these goals accomplished. The rest is all you boo. But here's some quick pointers:

- Do NOT spend excessive amounts of time on social media

- Keep a positive mind, and the mentality that you are THAT bitch because you are, you just needed the push

- People are going to gossip and be BITTER towards you no matter what. Embrace it as free promo

- Finally, when in doubt, say FUCK IT. All you need to do is stay on your grind and make your success make all the noise

I'm not even gonna put a picture to distract you from this advice. Swallow this truth and take it with you everywhere.

Enjoy the Success!

Congratulations! If you took all the necessary steps you should be looking good and feelin' fine. And if not, don't give up, only greater things are in store for you.




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