What makes you like or comment on a post? What stands out to you when it comes to someone else’s content that will SEAL THE DEAL to follow their page? Well I’ve compiled a short list of content ideas that will cover each of the IG Metrics (A.K.A: , likes, comments, shares, and saves) so you TOO can attract new eyes into your community! I’ll also outline a simple guide behind the user activity behind each of these metrics.
#1 - Likes > Digestible Content for Easy Scrolling During Downtime
Pictures of Yourself
The most obvious choice, your followers want to see the PERSON behind the BRAND. What are you up to in life? Does your energy/look match your page? A simple shot at a cafe or a selfie can make all the difference for a potential follower to trust that a real, authentic person is going to provide excellent content to them!
Inspirational Quotes
A great form of filler content, but try not to rely on this type of content unless it’s a personal quote from yourself or if it can spark a conversation about a controversy or myth in your industry. While they’re easy to produce, truthfully they’re not going to convert to in depth conversations or anything past a like.
These are another great form of filler content to show another layer of your brand or business… The funny bone! I think it’s essential to not be so serious all the time. And they can be great visual aids to educational or value-based content for serious eye traffic!
Entertaining Reels
The most popular form of content right now on Instagram… TikTok’s impact #allshade. The problem with reels right now is that it’s great for casually scrolling and following. So while it may be great to increase your reach by MILES, it may not always convert to followers. But they are essential to be seen right now. Video content needs to be in your IG strategy or for social media in general ASAP. Don’t miss the boat if you notice your audience is more keen on video!
#2 - Comment > Content That Sparks an Emotion
Tweet Quotes With an Unpopular Opinion
My FAV type of content. I believe Tweet-style quotes really are a step UP from the average inspirational quote because they are usually thought provoking and WAKE a conversation UP. Say something controversial on Twitter and repurpose it on Instagram!
Posts With a Typo
YES. Your favourite creators/business gurus are F*CKING up their captions and carousels on PURPOSE so people with grammar superiority complexes comment to boost their engagement! While doing this for EVERY post could turn off your audience for not being able to understand what you’re saying or for lack of professionalism, times where I've done this ACCIDENTALLY (fat fingers) made my posts FULL of comments.
I have no examples for you because I was embarrassed and deleted them! BIG MISTAKE.
Depending on the rules you’ve set to enter, giveaways or challenges always can spark comments, however be cautious as you could be flagged for spam by Instagram if you’re telling everyone to comment the same emoji or word! Additionally, if you’re doing a giveaway every week, from a customer perspective that TO ME, looks like you’re desperate for people to follow you because your content is not worth viewing. So time and place are EVERYTHING. A challenge for an event makes sense, as well as a giveaway for a milestone or anniversary.
Check out this example I did for a client:
#3 - Shares > Content That People Want to Be Associated With By Others
Industry News
When you’re one of the first to share a major update, change, or story in your industry or business, people will be quick to share it with themselves, and their peers. However be weary of how time consuming this can be, as well as becoming redundant. If you’re not adding your own spin on things or doing this frequently it can become quite annoying (IN MY OPINION).
#3 - Shares > Content That People Want to Be Associated With By Others
Industry News
When you’re one of the first to share a major update, change, or story in your industry or business, people will be quick to share it with themselves, and their peers. However be weary of how time consuming this can be, as well as becoming redundant. If you’re not adding your own spin on things or doing this frequently it can become quite annoying (IN MY OPINION).
Myth Busting Carousels
Saves and shares are where carousels SHINE, so for your followers to share a carousel, you’ll want to provide either myth busting material or information with someone else in mind in your follower’s circle so that they’ll share it with either their other accounts, another peer, or someone else that would benefit from your content. Make sure to use a call to action!
Edutainment Reels
Again reels are great for views, and that’s where sharing comes in. You would be lying if you have yet to send your friend a hilarious reel or a family member a useful tutorial, and the same should apply to your content. I find that typically educational intertwined with entertaining reels are what spark the most shares. How can I present information in a way that will promote replay value? Experiment and play around to find your style!
Quote Carousels With Colour Variations
A trend that surfaced last year was the same tweet or inspirational quotes, but in different colour variations. Your audience can then have more selection of the same quote with a colour that they like, to have more of an incentive to share it in their stories. The same pros and cons from before still apply here.
I have yet to try this one but i’ve seen so many people do it! It’s on my list!
#4 - Saves > Content That People Will Screenshot for Later!
Value Based Carousels/Posts
This is where your true expertise comes in. Talk about a topic, action, or theme in DETAIL. To the point where people just have to save or screenshot your post because there’s so much juicy information that they can’t HELP THEMSELVES. This is your chance to be separated from the others and position your authority.
Single Informative Posts
Same concept as the carousels subject wise, but just into more biteable pieces. These posts will be more singular forms of value such as infographics, diagrams, checklists, tutorials, or sharing tools/resources.
Fast Paced Educational/Selling Reels
The best thing about writing copy for these educational carousels or single posts is that you can use them as a script for a reels series or one off video! Once again, make these educational reels short and digestible. BONUS: Use the call to action ‘get ready to screenshot or save’ to really drive those saves from your followers
Are you ready to start get going with all these new content ideas? Let me know if these ideas helped make things more clear for what metric you’re going after!
Connect with me on social media here if you want to talk more! DMs are always open !
It’s time to start working SMARTER📚 not HARDER🙇🏻♂️. Book a *FREE* Content Conjure 🔮 call today, and let’s chat by filling out my typeform!
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